
My Best Garden Tools for Weeding

I am supposed to be outside weeding the next section of my back garden today, but it is raining, so I thought I’d talk to you about some of the tools I use in the garden to weed. I am very short in stature, only 5ft 2in, and I cannot handle the long-handled tools efficiently

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Garden Weeds

Garden Weeds Source Near Me Well, today, I decided to take another hour and go out to work in the back gardens. Yesterday I got the lawn furniture uncovered and the covers stored, and I took down the Sweet Autumn clematis that had overgrown the south side of the garden by the wall. I actually

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Architectural Salvage in an Ohio Condo

I love searching for pieces to use as architectural salvage projects in my home. The newest idea involves the ceiling in my dining area off the kitchen in the Ohio condo. For the past two years, I have been redecorating the Ohio condo on and off. And I’m sure I will keep redoing forever! We

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Recommend Reads

Hello. I hope this Friday finds you happy and healthy. I continue to stay hunkered down in my bunker, grateful to the existence of my Ipad. On this wizardly wonder, I have been able to watch a fantastic array of tv programs: manly British mysteries, and Scandinavian thrills with a dash of French dramas. That

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Cross Stitch Angels

This is just a short post so I can show you something I love in my home. I wanted to share with you some work of a dear friend of mine. Jean has been doing cross stitch for many years and she had made me many great pictures over the years. I’d like to share

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Travel Tuesday – A Bit of Norman Irish History

Hello everyone! Its time for another Travel Tuesday. Here I like to share with you pictures and information about some of my weekend day trips in Ireland. I lived in Ireland part of the year for twelve years and thoroughly enjoyed our Sunday trips around the east coast of Ireland. Every Spring John and I

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Update: No Mess Birdseed for your Deck

Hi everyone. I hope you are all doing well and are healthy. I am beginning to get my mojo back. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel; at least I hope that’s what I see. Even though we have had 30-degree daytime temps and snow almost every day this week. I

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Birds in the Spring Garden. No Mess Bird Seed

Getting on with Getting On- Overcoming the Inertia of Quarantine The other day I posted a kind of depressing post about my reluctance to post on my website. My angst had a bit to do with the closure of my online stores. How am I ever going to sell the wood boxes, pebble art, and

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My Second Month of Quarantine. Best Laid Plans…..

Best Laid Plans…… Home Projects I am all at sea now. I have an autoimmune disease with some lung involvement, so I went into lockdown early. I only went to the grocery store to pick up preordered food item mid-February, and I continue this practice now. At first, I did a bunch of home projects

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Ohio Lockdown for Seniors- Covid-19

Hello everyone. I hope this finds you well and without illness in your homes. We apparently lucked out thorugh a minor case of Covid-19 at one of my children’s house but they are unable to get any testing. I pray it is over for them and hopefully they did have it..now at least some form

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Isolation during Covid – 19

Hi everyone….I hope this finds you and your family well and if you are ill, I pray that your recovery is quick and without incident. Sadly, the virus situation has attacked our family and hopefully it will be a mild and inconsequential. The family disruption is quite significant but again, if all goes well ,

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