About Homebody Havens
Hi, My Name's Darleen

My Etsy Shop
HomebodyHavens is a hodgepodge of favorite items I find in thrift stores and antique shops. Pieces I would like in my home. As you will see in my selections, I am drawn to antique and vintage. But I also show neat whimseys I find. I also love hand-crafted items. We have several gorgeous handmade hardwood boxes, Vintage clothing, vintage jewelry, and hand-crafted art pieces. I began my beach pebble and seashell art while living in Ireland. I actually brought boxes of beach shells, pebbles, and driftwood back to Ohio!
My Dad promised his mother he would take her to her birthplace in Ireland. Well, WWW II and her death prevented him from keeping his promise. So I did it for him. Over the past twenty years, I found my grandmother's family in Ireland, the USA, and Australia. So, if you are interested in your Irish-American Roots, just go to my contact page, and let's see what I can do for you.
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