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update on gardens and bishop’s weed battle

Last week, I told you about my battle with an invasive weed known by many names: bishop’s weed, goutweed, ground elder, and Snow on the Mt., among others. SEE HERE. Originally imported into the country as a decorative ground cover, it comes in two variations: green and variegated cream and green. You can find both

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Bishopsweed, goutweed/Garden Curse

For quite some time, I have been dealing with a nuisance in the form of a little green plant known as Goutweed, Ground Elder, Bishop’s weed, and other names. SEE WIKI. It comes in either a green or green and white variegated variety. Historically, it has been used for medicinal purposes related to gout, but

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bird bath solar water fountain

First, I must apologize for this post. It is very short and different from what one would expect. I am posting it because I finally got this thing put together and in a bird bath—I have had it on a shelf since 2022! But mostly, I want to post a mini post to try and

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The new Bird Feeder for the deck

Time to begin work on the outside of the house. I did a bunch of redos and upgrades in the house over the winter which I will share with you later. Today I want to show you my new bird feeder. My wood deck has become the sorse for wear over the past few years.

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Repair top of dresser

I have an old, smaller, three-drawer dresser in my bathroom. It dates back to the 2000s when painted furniture with dabbles of colored wax was an in-thing. Somehow, a white ring appeared on the top of the dresser. It wouldn’t go off, and I got a little too aggressive and took the paint and wax

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Backgarden Feeder| Squirrel Update

For those who have followed me over the years in my many manifestations. I wrote about a Fox Squirrel- a new entity for me, in our garden a few years ago, SEE HERE. The fox squirrel is the largest in North America. They average 20 -30 inches long and weigh about 1 to 3 pounds.

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How to add art to a wall with slanted or uneven ceilings

My condo roofline is deeply pitched to allow for a central cathedral ceiling. It was built in the 1980s when the great room-open plan interior thrived. From the front door, you enter a large open rectangular room with a high A -shape-pitched ceiling. The foyer is at one end of the great room with a

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Living room Christmas decorations

After a couple of years of holiday blahs, I decided to decorate the house for Christmas. In the last post, I shared my updated dining room decor with Christmas decor. Today I am sharing the sitting room. I use an artificial tree now and have used this white light tree in the living room for

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christmas buffet

decorating the dining room for Christmas

Today I want to share with you my dining room Christmas decorations excursion. I rarely decorated the dining room because I needed all the space to serve family dinners. I no longer cook big family dinners; instead, I go to my kids’ houses. This year I chose to upgrade the dining table decor and decorate

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getting drapes for winter

Today we hung drapes in the sitting room. You know I downsized to a condo if you have followed me over the years. We used to live six months in Ireland in a carriage house and then a Granny flat; and six months in Ohio. I now live here in Ohio permanently. I usually tried

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thinking Christmas decor

I have always scorned starting Christmas decorations early, i.e., before Thanksgiving. I realize I was wrong about that. In the past, I thought about looking for inspiration after Thanksgiving and found that if I needed to buy anything for the decor plan. I never got in it on time, or it was out of stock

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