
getting drapes for winter

Today we hung drapes in the sitting room. You know I downsized to a condo if you have followed me over the years. We used to live six months in Ireland in a carriage house and then a Granny flat; and six months in Ohio. I now live here in Ohio permanently. I usually tried

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thinking Christmas decor

I have always scorned starting Christmas decorations early, i.e., before Thanksgiving. I realize I was wrong about that. In the past, I thought about looking for inspiration after Thanksgiving and found that if I needed to buy anything for the decor plan. I never got in it on time, or it was out of stock

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common problems with refrigerators

When I upgraded the kitchen about four years ago, I got all-new stainless steel appliances to replace the dated gold set. I purchased a bundle of three- a dishwasher, stove & refrigerator. Appliance stores commonly offer the bundle as a unique pricing gimmick. It is typically cheaper than buying separate appliances. I now believe that

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My Bird Feeder/ Fox Squirrel

Today I added some more sunflower bits to the bird feeder on the deck. Yesterday I got a bunch of birds- a lot more than in the past few weeks. Perhaps the cooler weather may have bought them out. There was a woodpecker, the usual finches- house, red, and yellow. A few chickadees and a

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A Tour of the Foyer – Antiques

I have always loved and collected antiques. You will likely find at least one antique in every room. In my current home, I mix my passion for antiques with a love of European country decor to achieve what I hope is a warm, comfortable style. It is definitely not a minimalistic style, and I realize

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Travel Thursday- Ireland.

Snow Snow Go Away Well, it’s March- the month of many weathers as they say in Ireland. I’m in Ohio now and we are supposed to get a few inches of snow this coming weekend. This is particularly painful for me as I have had Spring Fever for weeks now. I am making lists of

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My Quaker Oats Cookies

Just a quick note to share with my adaptation on the Quaker Oat Oatmeal-Raisin cookie that’s been around forever. I made these for my kids for Christmas-not a traditional Christmas cookie. Everyone in the house loved them, and I never did a lot of baking, so they always asked at Christmas time when I was

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Project To-Do List Part Two

I posted about my recent project list the other day but only talked about the garden. SEE HERE. Today I want to share my house to-do list. I don’t know about you,, but I am a list person. I tend to make a list at one time and then update that list as I get

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My Projects To-Do List

Do any of you keep a to-do list? I keep a spiral notebook to jot down random thoughts on just about everything. I also use this book to jot down my home to-do lists. Today I wanted to share my latest lists for the house and the gardens. Unfortunately, I got very ill at the

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Framing Lace Project Update

Today I would like to share the completion of a project that began last summer. A Romanian friend had gifted me two lace doilies she had made as a young woman in Romania. When you go to that earlier post, you will find that I had made an error in the identification of the lace

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Travel Tuesday- A look into my photo album.

Today I wanted to share with you my first home in Ireland. To update you, I met my life partner John in 2007. He was an Irish citizen, and I had dual citizenship USA & Ireland. My grandmother was born in Athlone, Ireland. A dual citizen in Ireland is possible via an Irish grandparent. I

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