Travel Thursday- Ireland.


Snow Snow Go Away

Well, it’s March- the month of many weathers as they say in Ireland. I’m in Ohio now and we are supposed to get a few inches of snow this coming weekend. This is particularly painful for me as I have had Spring Fever for weeks now. I am making lists of plants to buy, moving porch and sunroom furniture, watching gardening videos on U Tube, etc.

For those who don’t know me well. I lived in Ireland for about six months of the year for about twelve years, returning to Ohio full-time two years ago. When I was going through my Ireland photo album, I noticed these photos of one of the worst snowstorms Ireland has ever experienced.

The year was 2018. A storm called Emma began to form about the last week of February and continued to develop in conjunction with a Siberian cold front that resulted in gale force winds, temps down to -10 C ( 14F),. Lasting until March 2nd, it dumped just over 20 inches of snow in parts of Ireland. We lived in south Wexford and we got between the 20+ inches and gale winds, we had drifts 5 to 6 feet tall!!!

Our car is the last in the driveway if you can see it.

All this in a country that normally only gets snow January thru February and sees about 17 days of snow totally 6 inches in Dublin to Wexford where the average is 6 days total with an average of 1 -2 inches. Spring in Ireland is March 1st- St Brigid’s day.

Front door panel

Path shoveled between houses

View from the back door to garden and patio.

I am unhappy about our coming mini storm of bout 6 inches at the most. Seeing these pictures from Ireland makes me count my blessings- smile.

I grew up in upstate New York and remember snowstorms. I had gone to the store and got extra bread, eggs, cereal, milk, and teabags; you know stables. I was ready to hunker down. No one else was prepared, and the little local shop ran out of supplies early. There are only snowplows in Dublin- we had farmers out pushing snow with farm equipment. They don’t salt the roads and put down farm dirt and cinders. It was two weeks before we were back to near normal. Thank god we had electricity so we had heat and could prepare meals. It was something else!

View from the front door- there are two cars under that snow!

Dug out to feed the birds

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