
Collectible Vintage Stiffel Lamps

When I first got married and went to work, we saved money to buy our first home. We had just transferred to Ohio after moving from New York to New Mexico and then to California. By then, we were both ready to settle and stop living out of the cars. We rented a twinplex in

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The Reasons for A New Blog Relaunch

I’m afraid 2019 has not been a good year for me and mine. I kept getting what I called wandering tendonitis, which kept me from activities I usually enjoy. Then a lung illness Illness struck me. After multiple tests, waiting periods, and a lung CT, the doctor finally diagnosed me with autoimmune disease- as a

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What a Difference a Rug Makes

I have been in the process of upgrading or redoing my living room for a couple of years now. It’s probably a good thing I have taken my time as I find my tastes change over time, and I do need to keep control of my finances. I usually put aside the monies for a

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Clontarf Castle Dublin

When I first went to Ireland many years ago in search for my grandmother. I’ll tell you that story sometime. Anyway, I met a lovely family on line who wanted to help me search the main records for her and they invited me over for a week. The woman was named Sharon and she took

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blue refurbished singer desk

Clean Out of Old Treadles Machine Parts N Pieces

Remember I told you guys I was planning some changes for the new year? I’m sorry to be so cryptic here but I am planning on a new website and name and a different focus in the future, and am stuck into the middle of getting a new workshop ready. As part of that process,

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Merry Christmas..The Last Blog

Well, how exhausted are you guys? I am not hosting the family this year. My son has taken on that task so one big job I do not have to deal with this year. I have all my shopping done; ordered at least. I used the internet for most of my shopping this year. One

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My Woodlands Tree

I did complete my Woodland Wonderland Tree. I was inspired by Michael from Inspired Charms https://inspiredbycharm.com/ See how that worked! LOL Anyway. He had a gorgeous tree with white lights and just chock full of decorations. I have watched him for a few years now and love his entertaining and decor posts. He recently moved

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Walnut box with Maple Splines

Boxes Make A great Christmas Gift !!

I’m sure we all have had the experience of our own, or another’s kid or pet playing for hours with the cardboard box that held their gift. But right now, I am talking about a different box. These are handcrafted wood boxes we offer for sale at WoodnWhimsey. The line is called Premium Boxes by

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Blue painted Hall Table

For Sale at our Local Pickup Only Booth

I hope you guys are having a great Sunday. I am still adding bits N pieces to my in house tree and home decoration. I have these great solar lights for the outside dogwood tree but I cannot reach the branches! Typical planning glitch….hope to get a tall person to assist me soon. Today I

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Decorating My New Christmas Tree with my Right Brain

I usually spend the winter in Ireland, but since I have grandbabies, I now try to be in Ohio for Christmas every other year.   When my boys lived with me, we cut down our tree at a local tree farm. Those trees stayed fragrant. How I loved the smell of the pine.   Then, for a

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How Safe Are You. Tips on Holiday Safety

 Over this past weekend, I had an event scared me.  I live in a condo on a golf course in a quiet suburb in northeast Ohio.   I really do not wish to identify the area any closer to that location. The town is really a great area.  Fantastic school systems, pretty layout, taxes are

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