
Garden Restoration. Mistakes Rectified

About a month ago, I told you about my return to Ohio from Ireland and the weed-infested gardens I found upon my arrival. I also explained that I had recent health issues that did not allow me to perform as usual in the spring garden. I also came back to a patio that was a

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Confessions of a Genealogy Enthusiast- My COVID Habit.

If you are home bored and looking for an all-consuming hobby, I just might have the plan for you.-Genealogy. Now with the use of DNA testing and interest in family searches, the Ancestry.com and 23and me.com sites can get you hooked into research. I developed a really deep all-consuming love for my family research over

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Arborvitae in the Garden

I live in a small cluster of condos which are on a hill overlooking a golf course. I do not play golf, but we chose this site to give us the advantages of less home maintenance, a godsend if you travel for extended periods. Also, having the house back onto a golf course and not

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First Trip to the Garden Shop

Well, today I ventured out to one of the local garden shops. I have been going there for years. However, I always went a lot sooner: a week or so before Mother’s day, so today was late., very late. Weeks past Mother’s day. Even past Memorial Day and sadly the stock was very depleted. As

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Help Clean my Cephalon Pan

I have a plethora of pots and pans I have tried over the years. When I outgrow, usually find them too big, I pass them on to my kids. Even so, I still have a bunch. One of my favorites has always been Cephalon pans. I have a mix of ceramic, cast iron, ceramic coated

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Replacement Windows

Today I am moving furniture in the back sunroom. We had a screen porch on the back deck converted into a three-season room: solarium, whatever, about three years ago. My son and John did most of the internal work, but we required a contractor to jack up the room to level, and concrete in the

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A Simple Wood Box Named Rose

I went downstairs the other day to get something from the back workroom , and walked past the shelving set full of handmade wood boxes. Just seeing all that beautiful and hard work just sitting there, I decided it was time to get back in the shop groove. The shop closed down after Christmas last

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Decor Time For a Spring Quilt

Monday, I bagged up my white Winter down cover and put my Spring cream and gold quilt on the bed. It is a heavier weighted quilt that usually handles Spring weather with just enough weight to keep me warm in Ohio evening temperatures in the 50s and low 60’s. I also add a light blanket

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My Best Garden Tools for Weeding

I am supposed to be outside weeding the next section of my back garden today, but it is raining, so I thought I’d talk to you about some of the tools I use in the garden to weed. I am very short in stature, only 5ft 2in, and I cannot handle the long-handled tools efficiently

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Garden Weeds

Garden Weeds Source Near Me Well, today, I decided to take another hour and go out to work in the back gardens. Yesterday I got the lawn furniture uncovered and the covers stored, and I took down the Sweet Autumn clematis that had overgrown the south side of the garden by the wall. I actually

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Architectural Salvage in an Ohio Condo

I love searching for pieces to use as architectural salvage projects in my home. The newest idea involves the ceiling in my dining area off the kitchen in the Ohio condo. For the past two years, I have been redecorating the Ohio condo on and off. And I’m sure I will keep redoing forever! We

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Recommend Reads

Hello. I hope this Friday finds you happy and healthy. I continue to stay hunkered down in my bunker, grateful to the existence of my Ipad. On this wizardly wonder, I have been able to watch a fantastic array of tv programs: manly British mysteries, and Scandinavian thrills with a dash of French dramas. That

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