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Update: No Mess Birdseed for your Deck

Hi everyone. I hope you are all doing well and are healthy. I am beginning to get my mojo back. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel; at least I hope that’s what I see. Even though we have had 30-degree daytime temps and snow almost every day this week. I

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Birds in the Spring Garden. No Mess Bird Seed

Getting on with Getting On- Overcoming the Inertia of Quarantine The other day I posted a kind of depressing post about my reluctance to post on my website. My angst had a bit to do with the closure of my online stores. How am I ever going to sell the wood boxes, pebble art, and

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Ohio Lockdown for Seniors- Covid-19

Hello everyone. I hope this finds you well and without illness in your homes. We apparently lucked out thorugh a minor case of Covid-19 at one of my children’s house but they are unable to get any testing. I pray it is over for them and hopefully they did have at least some form

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Isolation during Covid – 19

Hi everyone….I hope this finds you and your family well and if you are ill, I pray that your recovery is quick and without incident. Sadly, the virus situation has attacked our family and hopefully it will be a mild and inconsequential. The family disruption is quite significant but again, if all goes well ,

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Spring Equinox -Time of Renewal and Covid- 19

What is an Equinox? Tonite at 11:49 ESt is the Spring Equinox. It will be the earliest occurrence in over a century. Commonly the equinox occurs on the 20th or 21st. What is an equinox? We have two a winter and spring, and they mark the exact date when the daytime equals the time we

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How to Add Structure to a Spring Floral Bouquet

I am sitting here observing the cresting of my spring plants through the dark soil. I am so happy to see those little green shoots. The chipmunks did not get all my tulips- I have a few planted in a yellow pot and they are starting to come up. Today, I moved the pot to

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Olive Oil a Healthy Addition to Your Diet

Lunch and Trip to Olive Oil Taster My daughter in law arranged for us to meet and go out to lunch.  She also wanted to take me to this little shop she has been raving about in Strongsville Ohio. It is a gourmet olive and balsamic vinegar store called The Olive Scene Apparently they have

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TeaSets, Teacups, and Teapots

As a young girl growing up in Albany, NY, I had a best friend. Her name was Maura. Maura and I walked to school together every day since we started, and even went to the same high school . Then, we walked to the bus stop together. She only lived one block down the hill

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A Tricky Bathroom Reno

If you have been following my blog , you will remember I have been working on upgrading my house for a good few years now. You can see some of what we have done on the blog at the home tour section. My last big reno was the master bath. I had an old walk-in

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Treadle Sewing Machine Delights

Hi everyone! I finally have the new workshop up and running, but before I start on any new projects, I want to review my in house inventory. I am amazed to find so many treadle machine parts, furniture, and pieces John redesigned in the cupboards. A Tale of Three Tables Today I am doing a

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Time to Replace House Windows

My home was built about 23 years ago. For the past five years, I have been upgrading both inside and out. First, we changed an outside porch and converted it to a three-season room. New paint in the upper level, new carpets throughout, new HVAC, hot water heaters. Two years ago, I upgraded the kitchen,

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