
Etsy shop linked on blog

Hi time for another mini blog post. We are still trying to work out the bugs on the new upgrade. So today, I thought I would tell you that we have an Etsy store called HomebodyHavens. SEE HERE I originally started out selling antiques: Local American items, neat things I found in Ireland, and items

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A Tour of the Foyer – Antiques

I have always loved and collected antiques. You will likely find at least one antique in every room. In my current home, I mix my passion for antiques with a love of European country decor to achieve what I hope is a warm, comfortable style. It is definitely not a minimalistic style, and I realize

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Framing Lace Project Update

Today I would like to share the completion of a project that began last summer. A Romanian friend had gifted me two lace doilies she had made as a young woman in Romania. When you go to that earlier post, you will find that I had made an error in the identification of the lace

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handmade wood artbox

Inadvertent Marketing Idea For Wood Boxes From Marian

My Inspiration Person If you know me, you will know that one of my favorite creatives is Marian Parsons, owner of the website and blog, Miss Mustard I have actually followed her for about ten years now. She is probably one of the main reasons I started a blog many years ago. Now Marian

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September Project- Frame Lace

Hello everyone. Now that the extreme summer, with all its problems, seems to have passed, I have returned to the computer.During my time away, I rearranged and set up more stock in the craft room and refocused my attitude to share more activities and home projects. Hopefully, I can encourage you to participate, and we

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Cross Stitch Angels

This is just a short post so I can show you something I love in my home. I wanted to share with you some work of a dear friend of mine. Jean has been doing cross stitch for many years and she had made me many great pictures over the years. I’d like to share

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Whimsical Pebble Art

I started collecting stones as a small child.  When I got older, it was something I shared with my mother.  After I married, I traveled across the country with my husband for his work.  Every time I went someplace new, I got a stone and bought it home. She kept those stones on a bookcase

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Hi guys, I told you I would show you the finished coffee table and picture frames I painted in Boxwood green.  In a past posting, I shared with you the old yellow oak oversized coffee table in the downstairs family room that needed a makeover. I loved the look of the table but hated that

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Sourcing Paint in Ireland

Hi guys. Last post I spoke about painting wood furniture. I mentioned I would be going to Ireland for the winter and needed to find furniture paint I can use while working in our Wexford workshop. John has been using latex paints. We have kept to high-grade paints as much as possible. I favor Farrow

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painted furniture

Antique Hunting Part One- Aging an Antique by Its Cover

Well, you found this wood table in an old garage. Wood; looks old, it’s in decent shape. Do you want it? How much do you want to pay? For this discussion, I am going to concern myself mainly with North American Antiques. The Americans are relatively new countries, and while there may be people with

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Sorrel and Gray | New Fall Colors

Sorrel and Gray | New Fall Colors

I was reading blogs on my iPad this morning and noticed a call out on new colors for Fall, black and brown, tans and grays.  I found the combination attractive; especially the tan and gray combination. Before bed last night, I was reading a historical fiction mystery: a very light series set in late 1800

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