
St Patrick’s Day and The Wearing of the Green

Many traditions exist in Ireland and outside of Ireland revolving around the “idea of being Irish.” AS the saying goes, on March 17, “Everbody is a little Irish.” Now I know that To be Irish on this day is mainly an excuse to join in the local celebrations, and there is no harm in that.

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Treadle Sewing Machine Delights

Hi everyone! I finally have the new workshop up and running, but before I start on any new projects, I want to review my in house inventory. I am amazed to find so many treadle machine parts, furniture, and pieces John redesigned in the cupboards. A Tale of Three Tables Today I am doing a

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Collectible Vintage Stiffel Lamps

When I first got married and went to work, we saved money to buy our first home. We had just transferred to Ohio after moving from New York to New Mexico and then to California. By then, we were both ready to settle and stop living out of the cars. We rented a twinplex in

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blue refurbished singer desk

Clean Out of Old Treadles Machine Parts N Pieces

Remember I told you guys I was planning some changes for the new year? I’m sorry to be so cryptic here but I am planning on a new website and name and a different focus in the future, and am stuck into the middle of getting a new workshop ready. As part of that process,

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Walnut box with Maple Splines

Boxes Make A great Christmas Gift !!

I’m sure we all have had the experience of our own, or another’s kid or pet playing for hours with the cardboard box that held their gift. But right now, I am talking about a different box. These are handcrafted wood boxes we offer for sale at WoodnWhimsey. The line is called Premium Boxes by

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Whimsical Pebble Art

I started collecting stones as a small child.  When I got older, it was something I shared with my mother.  After I married, I traveled across the country with my husband for his work.  Every time I went someplace new, I got a stone and bought it home. She kept those stones on a bookcase

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Hi guys, I told you I would show you the finished coffee table and picture frames I painted in Boxwood green.  In a past posting, I shared with you the old yellow oak oversized coffee table in the downstairs family room that needed a makeover. I loved the look of the table but hated that

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A few months ago I shared our favorite antique/junk picking site in Ireland.  In Ireland it is not called picking, it’s called have a root around :). I will have to show you that post but sadly, I was just told that the entire barn of antiques burned down in mid June.  Such a tragedy.

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Antique Hunting - Part 2

Antique Hunting- Part Two

Hi guys, I wrote a post on Antique hunting- part one in which I spoke about the different types of anties styles and identifying the age of an antique by wood type and style ages. I also talked about painting furniture.  Today I am going to talk about identifying your furniture with the use of

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Sourcing Paint in Ireland

Hi guys. Last post I spoke about painting wood furniture. I mentioned I would be going to Ireland for the winter and needed to find furniture paint I can use while working in our Wexford workshop. John has been using latex paints. We have kept to high-grade paints as much as possible. I favor Farrow

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painted furniture

Antique Hunting Part One- Aging an Antique by Its Cover

Well, you found this wood table in an old garage. Wood; looks old, it’s in decent shape. Do you want it? How much do you want to pay? For this discussion, I am going to concern myself mainly with North American Antiques. The Americans are relatively new countries, and while there may be people with

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Sorrel and Gray | New Fall Colors

Sorrel and Gray | New Fall Colors

I was reading blogs on my iPad this morning and noticed a call out on new colors for Fall, black and brown, tans and grays.  I found the combination attractive; especially the tan and gray combination. Before bed last night, I was reading a historical fiction mystery: a very light series set in late 1800

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