A few months ago I shared our favorite antique/junk picking site in Ireland. In Ireland it is not called picking, it’s called have a root around :).
I will have to show you that post but sadly, I was just told that the entire barn of antiques burned down in mid June. Such a tragedy. Paddy Reville had rooms and an attic full of old wood furniture and memorabilia…real antiques, no junk. A great loss to the area.
I never did get that sign I wanted…maybe if it’s still there when I get back 🙂

Ohio antique picking around me isn’t easy. I really have to work at it to find stuff at good prices in the Akron, Ohio area. Most of the shops we visit, someone has already picked over the “treasures” or they are too costly for me to make any profit, but there are still beauties to find.
Mother Earth New defines an antique picker as “Antique Picking is the art of buying antiques from auctions and sales and people and selling them at a profit to antique shops. People who do this are known as Antique Pickers.” I found Mother Earths News to be a bit of a hoot but with some really good information.
I also looked into the American Pickers website- you know that TV program with Rick and Mike. They have their shop website to browse.
We go to antique fairs, antique shops, local craft places, and the best place has been estate sales and yard sales. I can use local shops, Craig’s list, FB Marketplace but real bargains are very hard to find.
My Latest Picking Trip
On one of our trips, we found this vintage treadle sewing machine. An old Singer model BUT this time we only took the top. I still have tables made from the metal bases that have proven well liked but too costly to ship to a customer….so we are phasing them out of our inventory.
John has made the two sets of drawers into a couple of wood storage boxes. I have a similar box he made me that I use for k-cups next to the coffee machine but I am sure people will find other uses for these vintage beauties.
Our Last Sewing Machine Box Set
We have one last set of a two drawer cabinet made from antique treadle sewing machine drawers. We found these drawers and their frame in a place called The BombShelter in Akron, Ohio.
We were lucky to find a set with the frame but John actually had to replace a couple of parts of the frame himself. As usual, he makes his own stains to match the original boxes. He creates a top and bottom to contain the boxes in the frames and the drawers are now redesigned into a table cabinet.
One nice thing about this last set of drawers is that they came with original pulls, John cleaned and painted them black
If you are interested in this cabinet, you will find it on the website shop here.
Picking, Dumpster Diving, and Antique Shopping
No matter what you want to call this activity, it is fun to us who enjoy taking a somewhat old or forgotten piece of someone’s junk and converting or redesigning it into someone else’s treasures.
Do you have a great place to go picking in your area? Feel free to share. What’s your best find ever?
Well guys, thanks for listening. Talk soon.
Take good care