Sourcing Paint in Ireland


Hi guys. Last post I spoke about painting wood furniture. I mentioned I would be going to Ireland for the winter and needed to find furniture paint I can use while working in our Wexford workshop.

John has been using latex paints. We have kept to high-grade paints as much as possible. I favor Farrow and Ball

A high-end latex paint which began in England in the early 1940s and recreated itself until it has now become a world icon in interior design paints. And it is quite expensive, but the colors are fabulous, rich, deep, transforming.

In Ohio, we have been using mainly General Finishes MIlk paints and Design by Prima transfers. I just began to venture out into Fusion. Dixie Belle, and Country Chic paints; but more importantly, the different finishes and types of paints. Minerals, colored waxes, metallics, etc. all are newer techniques that I want to incorporate in our pieces. A piece of furniture is now like working on a canvas!

I began a search for mineral paint. I know I can get Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, but I do not Chalk colors, so I started my search with a general google for Mineral Paint in Ireland and UK.

I found one source in Ireland, called REvamped. It looks perfect. However, it is very far from me in county Louth. Eureka- They use Fusion paint and Redesign by Puma. Now I just hope I can join up with them.

Update.   and they have a shipping service and can send paints and Prima products to me overnight.  Brilliant!!

Sadly Dixie Belle is solely owned and operated in the USA. And Country Chic, a Canadian company has offices in Newfoundland, the midwest of the USA and one lone shop in Dubai- nothing in Europe. Dubai, mind you, how strange.

I noted that the Irish Fusion Paint retailer has a list of craftspersons that use her Fusion….Will have to see if I can join as a user also.

I really want to see what styles of painted furniture is popular in Ireland. I hope the blending of paints I see done by DO Dodson and Q is for Quandie is something I can introduce to the area.

I leave in just a few weeks. I do so hope you will keep following me and John in Ireland.  John’s shop there is called Period Pieces Design. There is no website so just follow us on  

Thanks for the visit…Talk soon

Take good care


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