New Wax Salve


A Review of Wise Owl Wax Salve

John and I have been painting furniture for a good eight years now. In those eight years, we have used a multitude of products and settled into a few favorites. Lately, I’ve noticed an increase in a variety of products on the market for furniture detailing. New paints companies and new types of paint. New finishing products: polys, glazes, among others. New waxes and finishing techniques.

Today I am looking at a new wax. It is called Wise Owl furniture salve. For this demonstration, I used the lemon verbena, but it also comes in lavender. The reason I wanted to try this wax is that I recently put a Re-design by Puma transfer on an old, finished chest. The chest was made in the late 1960s and never refinished. It was in excellent condition and took the transfers well.

The Hopechest

I could have sealed the flowers with poly but because the chest already had poly applied years ago; I chose to use wax. I used beeswax on other similar projects without incidence.

However, this chest was a good bit older than the other projects and the wood a bit dull and dried out looking. The furniture salve seemed like it might be a good idea.

As you can see below, the product is a little different than other waxes. One significant difference is the incorporation of hemp oil in the wax itself. Most other waxes I have used are as listed: I started with Miss Mustard Seed and Annie Sloan products. I found the waxes a bit hard and even difficult to work. I then went onto Country Chic and liked those waxes. I have also used Minwax, Briwax, Dixie Bell, and now Wise Owl.

Wise Owl Wax

I found the significant difference in the Wise Owl is the consistency. You will appreciate its softer than butter texture for easy application. I believe this buttery texture is due to the addition of hemp oil.

It’s Lemon Verbena, and Lavender oil scent is luxurious and contains plenty of benefits to up your furniture restoring and refinishing game. The package says” May be used over raw wood, finished or stain wood, painted furniture, leather, stone, granite, plexiglass, and even metal to remove tarnish and oxidation. The wax is designed to deodorize, restore, protect, beautify, and rejuvenate furniture, and more.”


I followed the instructions. Upon opening, the scent of the lemons is evident and very pleasant. I grabbed a bit with my cloth and rubbed it into the top. The first thing I noticed was that the wax was very soft and smooth like a rich, softened on the counter, butter. I had to be careful not to use too much. It rubbed right into the top and over the transfers without problems. I waited a few minutes and then took a clean lint-free cloth and began to buff and rub it into the wood. I got a subtle shine, and the wood looked better right away.

That evening I went back to the wax and found it still a bit soft and moveable. I gave it another rubdown with a lint-free cloth. I have to warn you about applying too much. I think I did use too much initially. I’m happy I went back and checked it. I was then able to take away the over application might not have set well.

Next Day

The next morning I rechecked, and the wax is firming up and not moving…. I’ll allow the project to cure for three weeks before I consider it safe to place an object on the chest.

This chest sits at the bottom of my bed. It’s a mid-century modern hope chest from the late 1960s. I only use it to store blankets and to place the extra bed pillows when we go to bed. It does not get much of a workout.

The label said cure time is anywhere from 10 up to 30 days. I plan to check it out next month and might apply a second coat. It will depend on how it settles out. If it stays like it is now, I’ll probably leave it alone.

Final Thoughts

It is a very different wax. The website stresses the natural nature of its waxes and emphasizes the beeswax and hemp oil used in the various waxes. ALL products are VOC-free. Brix wax is a beeswax product, but it also has a significant amount of solvents and other chemicals added. I understand that Miss Mustard Seed, Annie Sloan, and others are all VOC free. Wise Owl is another such wax.

After I used the wax on the chest, I used the used cotton cloth on a wood box on the dressing table. That box, one of John’s little boxes, I sealed with oil. The application of the wax made it look richer and deeper in color. It will be interesting to observe how it last over time.

This project is my first time using any of their products. At this time, I want to make a disclosure. I am not getting any reimbursement from the company for this post. I purchased this wax myself as a personal shopper. My post has no affiliation what so ever with the company. GO to their website here if interested in this company. I will visit again to check out their other products.

If any of you have ever used this product, I would love to hear your thoughts on the wax salve. Please leave me a comment in the area below.

Thanks for visiting…Hope to hear from you

Talk soon


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