Replacement Windows


Today I am moving furniture in the back sunroom. We had a screen porch on the back deck converted into a three-season room: solarium, whatever, about three years ago. My son and John did most of the internal work, but we required a contractor to jack up the room to level, and concrete in the structure’s foundation. He also installed casement windows to match the other windows in the house.

I have homeowner rules in this allotment, and the windows are supposed to be the same look and colors of the originals. The house was build fifteen years ago, and the original window type and even the manufactured itself no longer exists.

The windows in this place are Louisiana Pacific crank out type windows called a casement window- French Casement. Louisiana made the windows for the house. They are long gone out of business and the porch windows are made by AMI. Unsure about the status of that company but the company I hired no longer uses them, so enough said.

crank-out casement over kitchen sink

The advantage to crank windows is the full window open to the outside, allowing for maximum ventilation. One problem, which I am experiencing, is they sometimes do not close via the crank. Also, because they crank outwards, the inner window is exposed to the elements when opened. Unfortunately, I have left them open in the rain, resulting in damage to the inside wood. Thus, I have refinished the inner wood trim on the windows multiple times.

porch cranks

If you look at the photo above, you can see the hand crank and the side locks. Well, the hand cranks are starting to come off their base. The crank comes off while you are trying to use it and you have to replace it back on the post to keep cranking. The pull-down locks do not pull down all the way as you can see on the window to the right. Also, they leak oil when it gets hot. I was very disappointed in these windows.

Replacement Windows Woes

Sadly, I now have no comeback for the contractor; he ignores me. He came out and said he had no idea why the windows didn’t work; I should call the manufactures. I called the manufacturer and, he said the limited warranty was long past on the windows.

Replacement windows are expensive, and if I learned anything, it’s no more local independent contractors. This time I went to a well respected local hardware and building company with their own workers. I also went with the recommended name brand window with a good warranty

We worked hard on making the back porch an inviting haven. John and my son cut and installed the pine boarding for the ceiling and I painted the room a warm yellow and white: similarly to the conservatory (sunroom) in Ireland

As stated, a large picture window sits at the end of the porch with a duel set of casements on either side. The porch itself is off the main level of the house. But my house is built into a slope, so there is a walkout basement in the lower level. That means the porch built on the back of the house floats on set- in pillars.

I cannot wash or close my windows from the outside without a ladder. John never minded getting up on the ladder, but I sure do and find ladder-climbing an unsafe and unrealistic option. Now I am forced to look at replacement windows for the porch, even before the old wood windows in the house.

I spoke to the local hardware and home store to get replacements windows. He is unsure why the old AMI brand windows failed, and of course, he told me the brand is poorly made, and they no longer carry them in the store. And, he noted there was no warranty still active on the windows so…..

I don’t know if you caught my big mistake here. I allowed the contractor to buy and pick out the windows. So he went with the cheaper to keep his cost down, profit up, and lower his estimate to help ensure he got the jog. I know this is a very common practice, but I don’t feel it is a good idea for the consumer. I did not get a chance to compare the price and quality of another brand, and now I am paying for it! Literally !! I advise anyone looking for replacement windows to at the very least maintain some control over the window and. make sure you get and understand your warranty

Today is quite warm here in Ohio, so I have opened the porch windows. I noticed some difficulty with other cranks, but I am crossing my fingers; they hold up for another few years. While I love updating the house, I am afraid it is now old enough to start to become a money pit. Upkeep maintenance is never as much fun as redesigning!

Well, tomorrow, workers are coming at 8 am to install two new windows on the end of the porch. Because I am worried crank outs will have problems, I ordered windows that slide up and down and tilt inwards to clean. Yey, no more ladders for me!!

The left side casement- picture window in center

Replacement WIndow Installed

These types of windows are double-hung or a sash window. The condo association might not like them because of the center sash’s visibility, but they will be the same color, and I only replaced the two end sets of windows, so I am hoping nothing is said. I will look for push-out windows for those if I need to replace them.

Replacement Windows installed. Sash windows installed!!

I did look at some push out windows. We had those in Ireland, but we did not have a screen. There are no mosquitoes in Ireland but there are flies and bees. We used a lot of swatters and could have had screens made for the insides of the windows. but you would have to unscrew them every time you wanted to close the window.

I now see there is a flexible magnetic screen that covers the inside of the window. You can bend them to allow access to the pull handle. Here in America, Anderson has a cabinet window with a separate framed screen attached to the inside of the window. See HERE. There is a retractable window you pull from the side. Other companies have a framed window screen. One must pull this framed screen open to get at the window to open and close it. If I must replace the other porch windows, I am now unsure what to do. I am sure push- out with screen options will be much more expensive than the hand-crank.

Push out casement with pull in screen with side crank-out screen casements

While I had the two windows replaced I also had the sliding glass door downstairs replaced. I live on a golf course. One liability to this living is the golfball. I had a ball, I think, hit the glass door and crack the window.

The door was old and not very safe. I put a bar in the track to keep anyone from lifting and access the house. My friend Jean and my son both started their replacement window projects. They have both gotten this new sliding door replacement and upgrade in there own home. This new door has multiple deadbolts- mid door with upper and lower bolts. The handle lock is a three-prong deadbolt. I feel we are much safer with this more modern arrangement. The lock even has a key.

For the icing on the cake, the door has a set of blinds within the window system for privacy so I am able to remove the old pull vertical blinds I hated. The next project will be to paint the downstairs family room. I think next year, I have to pay off this year’s projects first. :-)))

Well guys, I now in phase on of replacement windowing. I am sure more windows will require replacement as time goes by.

Is anyone interested in replacement windows? Let me know how was your experience? For now, I am loving the windows but I will let you know in a few months how we get on.

Take good care all. Talk soon


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