Ohio Lockdown for Seniors- Covid-19


Hello everyone. I hope this finds you well and without illness in your homes. We apparently lucked out thorugh a minor case of Covid-19 at one of my children’s house but they are unable to get any testing.

I pray it is over for them and hopefully they did have it..now at least some form of immunity perhaps.

Meanwhile I am now going into my fifth week of isolation. I am an older person and I also have an immune disorder with lung involvement. I really am very fearful of getting this before they have a treatment or vaccine.

Today Ohio Governor DeWine’s office upgraded the lockdown for senior citizen or those with immune or health disorders like myself.

So I have been going to my local store and picking up a takeout grocery order weekly. I will go on Wed. to pick up but then stay in for next two weeks as advised. The medical experts have advised a first surge of cases here in the next two weeks. Guess they expect more surge waves after that… terrible time we are living in and hope we get through unscathed.

This is all affecting us and some in different wasy. My one son is more concerned than the other. And of course things being what they are, the less concerned son was inadvertently exposed in a work situation. My family oout of state are concerned and some have to go to work. They are trying to keep themselves part from others and at least do not have to yuse public transport.

I live in a semi-rural areas in Ohio and we have had a case within a few miles from here. Some people here believe if they wash their hands a lot and keep six feet away from others; they will be ok. Others like myself feel more insolation than that is necessary if one is able to manage. Bottom line, it is a very scary illness that is not going away and one we most likely will have to deal with on more than this one occasion. So folks, pray for health care: the people who are willing to put themselves on the frontline and give it and also for those who are tireless trying to find ways to attack and cure Covid 19.

Be grateful for that grocery and food worker who are willing to come out and provide food to those who should not be going into stores. Those workers allow us to help practice the only thing that seems to work against this virus- ISOLATION. Be kind to one another and support each other.

Meanwhile to try and occupy myself, I have made another loaf of bread..Honey wheat this time. Again good results but this time I used a countertop mixer. When I tried last time, I used a hand mixer and dough went flying all over. Smile

I also made a pot of chili last night and upgraded it this morning for dinner tonight. I find if you let a batch sit overnight, it tastes better the next day.

I’ll put a recipe on a blog soon.

And a happy moment today. I got my order from British Food for my scone mix and lemon curd. Guess what I am making next? Mind, I wipe down all the packages with an alcohol wipe, throw away the box and then wash my hands. I try to keep as clean a house as I can to avoid Covid-19.

So as you can see, one of my problems in my Covid – 19 quarantine is food. Not a case of not having any food; but more a problem with too much food around. I did not smile about a salad you notice…rather, those scones and lemon curd.

I will be happy to start a weight loss regime and walking regime as soon as we can go out and travel around our neighborhoods.

Meanwhile, wishing you a safe and happy week ahead. Wash your hands please and look out for your neighbors during this lockdown. Care to share how you are handling Covid-19 in our homes?

Dara- hugs

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