My Second Month of Quarantine. Best Laid Plans…..


Best Laid Plans……

Home Projects

I am all at sea now. I have an autoimmune disease with some lung involvement, so I went into lockdown early. I only went to the grocery store to pick up preordered food item mid-February, and I continue this practice now.

A customer wearing a protective face mask shops at a supermarket in Vienna, Austria on April 2020, during the new coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. – The Austrian government announced that shoppers in supermarkets will have to wear face masks in order to further clamp down on the spread of the novel coronavirus. (Photo by HELMUT FOHRINGER / APA / AFP) / Austria OUT (Photo by HELMUT FOHRINGER/APA/AFP via Getty Images)

At first, I did a bunch of home projects I had put on the back burner for a good while. I had plans!
I cleaned out closets, cupboards, backroom cleanouts. I started binge-watching on my I-Pad: mostly European dramas and mysteries. I have watched a German show with English subtitles about Italian police, filmed in Venice; an adaption of the Donna Leon’s Brunetti book series.

I kept waiting for Spring so I could get out and do some outside chores. Again those plans!
That has not panned out as well as I wished. Firstly, the weather has been awful, rainy, and cold. Next, I cannot go to the garden centers to get what I need, and thirdly and most importantly, it is the height of my Spring allergies. Last year I got pneumonia about this time. If you remember, trees AND grasses all decided to bloom at the same time. At least now it is mainly the trees. I need to wear a dust mash when I go out, but I haven’t ventured outside much as yet.


I initially planned on expanding the website and posting three days a week with FB and Instagram …….. Sadly, I have had some technical issues and still do, but I don’t have a gameplan set up yet, so I remain on hold..

I usually try to share what I am working on that week in the posts or share something I hope readers enjoy. But I am not working on anything now, so unsure what to post.
I was going to get the online store up and running, but I cannot go out to post orders for people, so that idea also is in a holding pattern.

I don’t mean to sound like such a sad sack grumpy grump. I don’t feel grumpy, just a bit lonely and a bit scared, as I am sure many of you experience also.

Future Posts

I did come up with a couple of small ideas to offer you guys.
First, I am into genealogy, especially Irish American ancestry. I have been working on my family trees for many years. So I would like to offer any of my readers who are interested in their genealogy to contact me and let me know what you need.
I have invested mainly in fee for service Irish-American information sites, but I also have a couple of general site companies I hire. So if finding your roots appeal to you, please feel free to contact me for assistance. I have found it to be an exciting adventure for myself and hope you might enjoy for yourself and your family.

Secondly, I will continue to post pictures of my time in Ireland, England, and Wales. I hope you enjoy it.

Meanwhile, if there is anything that interests you, let me know, and I’ll try to accommodate you. I will post things I work on as we go forward.

So please stay well. So so much for my best-laid plans. Let me know what you are doing in your confinement to keep busy and how you are going.

Take good care

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