Merry Christmas..The Last Blog


Well, how exhausted are you guys? I am not hosting the family this year. My son has taken on that task so one big job I do not have to deal with this year.

Want to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah
and Happy Holidays

I have all my shopping done; ordered at least. I used the internet for most of my shopping this year. One main reason was I could not find what I wanted in the brick and mortars. But I was able to go out and get most of what I needed so I hope everyone has a great holiday. I am looking forward to the excitement of the grandkids!!

This past year has been extremely busy and life-altering for me. So I am taking this holiday time to recharge and reflect.

I am sure there will be major changes in the blog and website and I will keep you informed. Enjoy your holidays and stay tuned to our page on Facebook and our website for more info

Take good care. Blessings



Hi, my name's Darleen.

This homebody works on making my own haven, and I would love for you to feel free to do this too. I lean toward a New England, English country decor, but you can adapt my ideas to fit your style. I write about decor, eating, gardening, travel, and antiquing. I am a fanatical devote of genealogy and love to assist other searchers. If any of this appeals, join me and make your home your haven.

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