For Sale at our Local Pickup Only Booth


I hope you guys are having a great Sunday. I am still adding bits N pieces to my in house tree and home decoration. I have these great solar lights for the outside dogwood tree but I cannot reach the branches! Typical planning glitch….hope to get a tall person to assist me soon.

Today I wanted to tell you about the website shop and our local pickup only feature. We have items too big to mail or too heavy and so I offer them for local pickup. They are an addition to what we offer in the online stores on the blog and on Etsy.

Below is listed a cute little blue and gold triangular shaped table we originally found at a flea market and John created a new top and I painted.

She did look pretty good when we found her and anticipated restoring her but the damage to the top was too great.
We did have to make a new top for her, so to preserve the table; we painted her a deep Victorian Blue and applied gold paint to the etched details. Please notice the etched details, the rounded legs, the crest-shaped details of the back and bottom…a pretty old girl.
The table is triangular in shape- fits great against a wall, or as a side table.
Measurements in inches: 24 L x 12 W x 25 H

Please contact the website if you would like to see this item. Please post any questions in the comment section

Enjoy your shopping n Take good care

Talk soon


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