Daily Organizers. Which do You Recommend?


During my working years as a medical-legal nurse consultant, I utilized a couple of different calendar systems in my tenure. I did not have an iPhone nor a Google calendar, so I had to make do with paper calendars. The legal department had a legal form software on the computer which had a schedule, but I did not use that as it traced legal schedules only; court dates and attorney meetings.

I started with the Franklin Covey brand, but they had an entire business management system they wanted you to buy and buy into, and that was too much for me. Then I went on to Day- Timer and stayed with them. I mainly used the daily two-page system and found it to meet my daily working needs. I also kept a desk calendar/blotter for projects start dates and completion, which I color coded with highlighters.

I purchased this set from DayTimers

After I retired, I completed forgot about planners. I just bought a calendar and placed it in the kitchen for appointment and birthdays and went happily on my way.

Then in 2012, John and I started an antique and vintage business that expanded over the years into a handcrafted furniture and art business on top of the antiquing.

We started on Etsy and eBay, then developed a blog, and off we went. I became the business manager and sometimes art craft person and found I needed to organize myself again.

I am not the best-organized person on the planet. At work, I tended to really get into a project, mainly research projects. I placed my research into files – paper files and printouts, which I then highlighted specific areas for reports. When I wrote my reports I had papers and records all over the desk. I did not clear the desk at the end of the day, but rather at the end of the project.

Yes that looks like my desk!!

Now I had to keep tax forms, invoices, computer equipment files, expenses, profits, suppliers, you know, and sometimes things got filed and sometimes not.

We would brainstorm and get great ideas on what to do next, where to get this that or the other, what we saw, and wanted to copy and where, etc. All of that needed sourced, and found, and planned. I could not keep up, and we found ourselves going from pillar to post all the time.

I noticed a few of the bloggers spoke about using planners. Just like my business planner and I decided to look into using that aid again.

If you go onto Amazon, for example, and search for a daily planner, you get hundreds of sites and types. They have planners for mommy, business, small business, real estate, spiritual, daily, and many other types. One blogger recommended a ring-type from Day Designer. A very pretty feminine multi-ring open and shut non-refillable and very expensive planner.

I bought the smaller of the two after buying the largest one initially

They came in standard almost a 6 x 8 or a 9 x 10.daily. Last year, I ordered the standard 6 x 8 mini like size. I found it worked fine for a while, but I had trouble not having a place for more detailed noted- like people and addresses and conversations. I missed the two pages daily. To make up for that loss, I bought an additional “notes” book from Day Designer.

I probably should have bought the larger size the 9 x 10 incher, but that is too big to sit on my computer desk and so I rejected that right off for this year. I tried it the year before last and had difficulties.

The next problem I had was getting the book to open up. It has 16 rings and a hardcover. I actually like that hardcover. I am unsure why but when I open the book and try to go from one section to another, the book catches. It will not open all the way and even locks at times. I do not understand why that happens.

Finally, the planner is not refillable. They now have an undated refillable planner, but again, I cannot use it.
So, in conclusion. I tried the Day Designer for over two years now and although it is very pretty. I did not buy it this year.

In fact, I went back to Day Timer and ordered a daily two-page refill floral set and a plain burgundy binder. The binder is vinyl, and I don’t know how well it will hold up. I had the leather zipper case in the past but did not like the bulkiness of the outer cover once you had it open on the desk. One reason why I like the hard cover open book design.

I like the open book hardcover like Day Designer has, and this Day Timer vinyl is the cheapest open book type and I want to try it out. I can put a floral transfer on it to dress it up, and if it does not hold up, I can go the leather hard case or snap closure formate.

It should arrive in a week or so, and I’ll post pictures.

Daily Organizers. Which do You Recommend? Do you guys use planners? For home or business? Do you like yours and why…? I am still in a shopping mindset. Will keep your recommendations to heart for next year.

Take good care


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