garden maintenance

Bishopsweed, goutweed/Garden Curse

For quite some time, I have been dealing with a nuisance in the form of a little green plant known as Goutweed, Ground Elder, Bishop’s weed, and other names. SEE WIKI. It comes in either a green or green and white variegated variety. Historically, it has been used for medicinal purposes related to gout, but

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My Projects To-Do List

Do any of you keep a to-do list? I keep a spiral notebook to jot down random thoughts on just about everything. I also use this book to jot down my home to-do lists. Today I wanted to share my latest lists for the house and the gardens. Unfortunately, I got very ill at the

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Garden Journaling| Lessons Learned

The concept of journaling and project books has been around for years. I never organized myself around that concept, and now I see the errors of my ways, as they say. It is mid-summr now and a good time to update garden projects. Front Lamppost Garden Today I will give you a tour of my

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Mealybug Invasion- Sad Outcome

Sorry, it has been so long since I have posted anything. As others have complained., this pandemic situation is getting me down. I have to self-quarantine due to pre-existing risks, and I am getting a bit down. I am going to try and get out of myself and become more involved now. As you know,

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Strapping Arborvitae- Garden Part Two

Hi all. Today I want to share the back garden reno with the arborist’s visit. I called an arborist to look at the line of trees down the side of the house. I needed someone to address the break in the third arborvitae from the back. Remember, the one with the squirrel next and damage???

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Garden Restoration. Mistakes Rectified

About a month ago, I told you about my return to Ohio from Ireland and the weed-infested gardens I found upon my arrival. I also explained that I had recent health issues that did not allow me to perform as usual in the spring garden. I also came back to a patio that was a

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Arborvitae in the Garden

I live in a small cluster of condos which are on a hill overlooking a golf course. I do not play golf, but we chose this site to give us the advantages of less home maintenance, a godsend if you travel for extended periods. Also, having the house back onto a golf course and not

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First Trip to the Garden Shop

Well, today I ventured out to one of the local garden shops. I have been going there for years. However, I always went a lot sooner: a week or so before Mother’s day, so today was late., very late. Weeks past Mother’s day. Even past Memorial Day and sadly the stock was very depleted. As

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