BlackStair Mountains in Wexford


Every day I can see a bit of the Blackstair Mountains in counties Wexford and Carlow.  If we drive toward Enniscorthy and north, we follow them along our way.

These mountains are not high peaks but a more rounded shape as you look at them they mound after each other one by one kind of forming a line of steps. The mountains of granite and slate get their names from their shape and form the igneous rock scattered throughout.

There are two main peaks in the range: Blackstairs Mountain (2,402 feet [732 meters]) and Mount Leinster (2,602 feet [793 meters])—form a striking range rising from lowlands on all sides. 

The mountains provide a mecca for mountain climbers and hill walkers alike. The Irish Times published a great descriptive article on the walk.  It takes about 5 to 6 hours to complete and you can see gorgeous cliffs, valleys of green patchworks, and forests. A varied and beautiful walk.  See this article.

A bit of history

Sins of ancient history can be found in the many cairn or stone piles.  Thought to be markers, or perhaps grave sites of the ancient people of Ireland. These same Montainsheld reel shoulders. These mountains also provided cover for Irish rebels in the many uprising and battles for independence over Ireland’s long colonial history.

You can drive up Mt Leinster.  John and I took this drive one nice Sunday.  Nice party cloudy day, mild, our favorite Sunday Drive weather.  We stopped at many areas to have a look at the mountains, forest, and rock-walled farms scattered against the valley walls. Suddenly John tells me to get back to the car quickly!!!.  As I turn to look at him, I see the reason, a bank of thick fog is coming in quickly and we are quite a way up a windy rural type road.

John took those curves quickly as we made our descent and by the time we got down to near the bottom, the fog had completely encased the mountain top.  You would have had difficulty seeing a foot in front of you.

The climb provided beautiful scenery but a wild and bit scared descent.

Fair warning: Always be prepared for fast-moving and changing weather in Ireland and plan your trips accordingly.

There are numerous online sites that provide great walking and mountain climbing trips for participants.  Have fun!

Thanks for the visit.  Come back soon…do you have any favorite walking trips?

Take good care


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