bird bath solar water fountain


First, I must apologize for this post. It is very short and different from what one would expect. I am posting it because I finally got this thing put together and in a bird bath—I have had it on a shelf since 2022! But mostly, I want to post a mini post to try and demonstrate to my web designer that my subscribe buttons are not working. So please forgive my boldness.

As I said, I have had this MadeMax solar fountain, which I found on Amazon, in the closet for two years, and today, the timing and circumstances were right for setting it up in the birdbath. SEE HERE

I took out the box and tried to decipher the assembly instructions. However, I must admit that I couldn’t make sense of how to put the thing together. Moreover, I wasn’t aware that there would be extra parts left over.

I must admit, I am a total eejet when it comes to mechanical operations and geometry. So, after struggling for a good fifteen minutes, I got help from my old standby—YouTube. I searched for the Madmax Solar fountain on Google and found a YouTube tutorial. The written directions were so vague that I would never have figured it out. But following the video, I was able to set up the fountain in the bird bath. Lo and behold, it worked!!!

Hopefully, you enjoyed this mini-post and found it helpful, at least. Thank you. I hope to fix my website kinks, but I must warn you all: I might have to do another mini-post until we get all the bugs out.

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